UX/UI Case Study — Instagram

5 min readNov 8, 2020
Image from Prateek Katyal on unsplash.

Overview of the project :

This project was part of the projects from Ironhack Bootcamp.
I suggested as a project to develop and boost the user experience around the instagram feature : “saved posts”.

My role : UX/UI — Research and Design. Interviews, research, prototyping (low-fi, mi-fi and hi-fi).
Main hypothesis :
the users don’t use so often the feature “saved posts” (and some of them even don’t know that this feature exists). But above all, they forget about their saved posts.

Research :

Scope and Key Data: The feature exists since 2016.

Interviews (9) : I realized physical interviews and sent a survey online to collect feedbacks about Instagram users.
I asked some questions about their habits regarding instagram, as for example :

  • the type of accounts they like
  • the frequency of use
  • do they use the feature “saved posts”, what is for ? etc.

but I also asked :

  • do they use Pinterest ?
  • how do they save posts that they like on Instagram but also in general etc

Results :

Motivations :

  • Most of the users want to find inspiration on instagram
  • They always try to find new content
  • They create collections about “home inspiration, travel, beauty and hair inspiration…
  • They like to keep their content private

Frustrations :

  • Sometimes they use screenshots instead of the feature “saved post”
  • Don’t remember where to find their saved posts
  • Forget the posts saved
  • Don’t take time to organize their collections (and 4/9 don’t organize their collections at all)

Competitive analysis : I also realized a competitive analysis with 3 categories :

Instagram — Competitive Analysis

Then, I created a Persona to illustrate my user story.



Customer Journey

Problem statement :

How Might We help JUSTINE to use more often the feature “saved posts”, organize her posts more easily and make them memorable for her ?

Prototype :

Solution :
“Help Justine to use the feature “saved posts” more often ?” : transform the feature into something more easy to use, more “fun” and “useful”.
When the user decides to save a publication, she is directly guided to save her post into a Collection to encourage her to create a really “useful content”. This feature also encourage her to create collections and organize the saved posts.

“organize her posts more easily” : I add a system of tags (as on Mapstr for example). When the user saves a post into a Collection, she can add a tag on it to sort the posts by tag into the collection.

I also added a map directly into the saved posts categories : the user can directly see the posts related to the same city on the map (independantly of he subject of the posts).

“Make them memorable for her” ? I added a reminder that the user can activate : “1 time once a day / 1 time once a week / 1 time once a month”.
This feature will help Justine to remind about the posts that she saved the last 10 ten days (the number of days is an example and we will need more user surveys to be sure about the right number).
It’s the same principle as the story : when the reminder is activated it’s passed from multicolor presentation to grey.

During my survey, I also noticed an ambivalence between the fact that the users like to keep their saved posts private and the fact that they are going on instagram to find inspiration, always more and more content, that they like to know more about their favorite influenceurs (& co) and the fact that they are very curious.
So I have created an option to permit to the user to make the categories of her choice being public.

Iterations :
I realized few iterations to improve my prototype.

Lo-Fi to Mid-Fi , Job Done :
- Rationalize number of screens
- Create a lighter design which fit better into the instagram design
- Rationalize some features

Example : Reminder & Private Mode

Mid-Fi to Hi-Fi, Job Done :
- Rationalized the features
- Reflexions around the design details
- Permit a more smooth navigation

Map positioning from mid-fi to hi-fi
Remove the “button” for the filter feature and the toggle button
Instagram Design System used

I also realized user tests to get some user insights about the design of some features, as for example the design of the tags.

The winner solution : the round full coloured tags

Hi-Fi Prototype here.

Next steps and Lessons :

Next steps :

  • Of course, as KPI’s we can verify the increase of the use of the app.
  • Make some user tests to develop the solution :
    examples : sorting feature for the collections (“A to Z”, the most recent post first), test the “private/public” mode only for the professional accounts, test the habits of the users regarding the new features..)
  • Bring the prototype to the next level 🚀
  • For Professional accounts : check if the user engagement is higher.
    Indeed, we can highlight that this feature is really crucial for professional accounts to count the user engagement, the more the feature is highlight for classic accounts, the more is for influenceurs.
  • I also noticed that currently we can create collections with the same name as the Instagram system doesn’t recognize that the collection name alrealdy exists. Also if we put a post in the collection, it is still present in the category “to organize”. This two problems need to be resolved.

Lessons :

I was really excited to work on the feature “saved posts” as I use Instagram every days and was aware of the needs of improvements of this feature.
I need to develop my abilities to do a awesome animate prototype and continue to improve my presentations.

